DESK YOGA - Registration is now open at the Rama Lotus Yoga Centre. See link below
OCTOBER 17th, 1 - 3:30pm - Don't miss out on this workshop offered only twice a year!
Since our bodies are designed to move, sitting at a desk all day can take it's toll and leave us feeling stiff, sore and unmotivated by the end of the day, causing us to age more rapidly. Join Louise as she shares with you useful stretches and breathing techniques (done right at your desk and in your work clothes!) that will help your work day unfold in the most positive way. Imagine leaving your desk job feeling energized! Investment: $35 Please Register in Advance. Maximum 20 People
Details under 2008 blog archive
CHANGES FOR SEPTEMBER... I'm happy to be adding another Yin class to the schedule at Rama Lotus on Sunday nights at 6:30pm. Who doesn't love a Sunday night Yin class?... the perfect way to end/start the week! As well, Monday night's Yin Class is now a Beginner Yoga Class
MONDAY 5:45pm Hatha Flow 7:30pm Beginner Yoga
WEDNESDAY 7:30pm Yin Yoga
FRIDAY 5:30pm Hot Yoga
SATURDAY 11am Yin Yoga
SUNDAY 6:30pm Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga & Power Yoga DVD's
BEST SELLERS! to order please visit
Growing up on the back of a horse, Louise was fortunate to practice her passion every day. Competing in Show Jumping up to the international level, she won numerous awards including many provincial championships, a Canadian Equestrian Team gold medal and the Saddle of Honour at Spruce Meadows in Calgary. Although her passion for riding never subsided, a new one arose over ten years ago. Longing for a more harmonious way of being in the world, Louise was drawn to Yoga. After three years of practice, Louise went to the world renowned Kripalu Yoga Center in Massachusetts, USA to do her first intensive yoga teacher training. Today Louise combines her two main passions of Yoga and Riding and enjoys making her living by teaching both. In University Louise studied Microbiology, Mathematics and Psychology. On her own, she enjoys studying Quantum Science, Spirituality, Yoga and theories on consciousness as a way of developing a greater understanding of the mind-body connection. Louise brings that understanding to her own life practice and teachings.
Love the new website...and the upcoming events look like loads of fun, serenity and adventure!